25 Oct 2022, 08:42
📢 ВНИМАНИЕ 🚫 Нам начали сообщать что подписчикам нашего канала и чата приходят сообщения сомнительного содержания под видом официальной администрации проекта STEM. 📢 МЫ НЕ ПИШЕМ В ЛИЧНЫЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ и не предлагаем никаких услуг, не присылаем ссылки и не делаем анонсы в личных сообщениях. 📢 БУДЬТЕ ВНИМАТЕЛЬНЫ. Все официальные анонсы публикуются только в группах А также в чатах Других каналов и чатов у проекта нету. С уважением, команда STEM

Same news in other sources

25 Oct 2022, 08:42
📢 ATTENTION 🚫 We began to be informed that subscribers of our channel and chat receive messages of questionable content under the guise of the official administration of the STEM project. 📢 WE DO NOT WRITE IN PRIVATE MESSAGES and do not offer any services, do not send links and do not make announcements in private messages. 📢 BE CAREFUL. All official announcements are published only in groups And also in chats The project has no other channels and chats. Sincerely, the STEM team
📢 ATTENTION 🚫 We began to be informed that subscribers of our channel and chat receive messages of questionable content under the guise of the official administration of the STEM project. 📢 WE DO NOT WRITE IN PRIVATE MESSAGES and do not offer any services, do not send links and do not make announcements in private messages. 📢 BE CAREFUL. All official announcements are published only in groups https://t.me/stemcom https://t.me/stemxme And also in chats https://t.me/stemcom_chat https://t.me/stem_chat_en The project has no other channels and chats. Sincerely, the STEM team